The Assembly 101

At The Assembly, We Value discipleship

One of the key ways that we believe that people can grow as disciplined followers of Jesus is through studying the word of God and developing in “…knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ…” (Philippians 1:9-11).

We have set up The Assembly 101 to be our path to purposeful Spiritual Growth and discipleship. Below you will find our structure for The Assembly 101 and links to the different courses and opportunities.


Step 1: Breakfast with The Pastor.

Want to have a chance to talk with Pastor Andrew in a smaller setting? This is the chance for you to do just that. No question is off limits, hear his heart, ask him questions, and much more.

For more information on Breakfast with The Pastor text “Breakfast with The Pastor” to 833-278-5859


Step 2: New Members Orientation

New Member Orientation is where you will learn what the Mission, Vision, and Values of The Assembly are. You will also be presented with ways that you can connect with The Assembly through Serve Teams, Small Groups and Ministries.

For more information on new member orientation text “New member” to 833-278-5859


Step 3: Doctrines of The Faith

What does The Assembly believe about salvation? Water Baptism? Communion? Have these questions and more answered in a four-week class discussing the 16 Fundamental Doctrines of the Faith that we believe are Fundamental Truths for every Christian.

For more information on “Class” to 833-278-5859