We are not meant to do life alone. The Bible says “It is not good for man (mankind) to be alone…” (Gen. 2:18) Assembly groups are about not being alone. Join a group and connect with people

The Explorers

Connecting with the young and the young at heart to explore God's great big world. Come be a part of our exploration team as we discover nature, our community and the art of creative play together.

He-Brews Understanding of The Bible

Discuss the Hebrew Alphabet and vocabulary from familiar passages about Christ Jesus from the Hebrew Writings (Old Testament). Hebrew is a rich picture language. As we learn Hebrew, we will understand and communicate the Gospel message with vivid clarity.

Hot Beverage Bunch

Gathering to enjoy a good hot beverage and great company. Join us as we get to know one another over a cup of brew. Bring your Favorite hot beverage to share.

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